Being Star Struck

Getting Star Struck

If you live in New York, you are expected to remain somewhat ambivalent when you run into a celebrity. That’s an Olsen over there? Meh. Is that Leonardo DiCaprio? Whatever. Celebrities walk among us like “musicians” in Brooklyn, cowboys in Dallas, or fake tits in LA. Asking for an autograph is a complete faux pas. Don’t even look at them. In fact, the only acceptable celebrity to get worked up over is Barack Obama. “Our savior.”

Unfortunately, I’ve only been a New Yorker two years, which means I easily embarrass myself in front of someone I recognize from the tabloids. Y’know, like Monday when I met Jane Fonda. (Okay, I just got nervous and played with her dog*. It was awesome. Jealous?)

But why shouldn’t I be a little star struck around celebrities? They are fun and interesting and take exotic trips. They make millions through artistic pursuits—regardless of talent. They are drunk in their teens. Cocaine’s in the rider. They smoke weed in public. Flashing their undies is news. Being a disaster is GOOD for their careers! It’s like they’ve beaten the system! I WOULD ROCK AT THIS JOB!

At least, maybe they’ll pick up the bar tab.


* Not actually Jane Fonda’s dog.

8 responses to “Being Star Struck

  1. Just so you know, if you live in Hyde Park Chicago you have to treat Barack Obama with the same feigned indifference.

  2. Just so you know, we did live in Hyde Park Chicago. I’m pretty sure it’s okay now to glaze over in a blissful smile when you see Mr. Obama. Plus, how often does he come to Chicago anymore? (I hope often.)

  3. Hey — sometimes they want to get noticed. Ethan Hawke and I smile at each other pretty regularly now when I pass him in our neighborhood….Or at least I like to think he’s smiling back. (I just like to think I’m smiling at Troy.)

  4. Oh man, I sat next to him once at dinner in the West Village and didn’t notice. My friend pointed it out afterward. ❤ @ EH

  5. for the most part i have lived in places where there have been few celebrities coming through… one of the few encounters i have had was some time last year while in amsterdam where i saw kate moss in some coffee shop… i did not recognize her, which is strange as she looked exactly as i would have imagined her off camera (kind of a mess, and incredibly high*)

    *this is is no way meant as judgement call on kate moss, in fact i have always quite liked her

  6. Kate Moss a beautiful woman and a talented model; then again, I have distorted views on beauty. So who am I to make statements like that?

    I guess opinions are allowed on the internet.

    You said you found these blogs to come from an interesting idea, but do you like it? I get feedback from my friends (positive: thanks, friends!), but I have no idea how it reads to the general public. I would like to know. Email us! (Contact information is, obviously, on the contact page.)

    We welcome all feedback and SBD post suggestions. Just sayin’.

    The internet is fun, isn’t it?

    — Andrea

  7. i too really do like kate moss (though it would be good to hear your ‘distorted views on beauty’ .. given that we both like kate moss, it may turn out my views are distorted in a similar fashion (though perhaps this is the making of a future post?))

    … i do like the posts.. i think the two of you are still finding your feet.. but the forecast is mostly sunny

    and yes, huzzah internet!

  8. Being from LA I know all about the walk two blocks and then freak out about celebrities. But Jane Fonda is awesome. So no shame there. Dude, and everyone get’s their rocks off on it. They just post the sightings anonymously online now so they can freak on in private lol.

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